The Best Advice on I’ve found
Posted onInformation about the Covid-19 Virus
The Covid -19 or the Corona Virus is a virus found in animals and to human beings it attacks and affects the respiratory system, the corona has to other strains that is the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – SARS virus that originated from south China and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome – MERS virus, the Covid- 19 virus strain in known to be the worst strain and currently declared a pandemic by the world health organization – WHO.
The disease is contagious, it came from the animals though no one can confirm which animal and is currently spread from an infected person to another within a 6 foot radius, via the respiratory droplets produced when one coughs or sneezes. The symptoms of the corona virus are like those of pneumonia symptoms and are not treatable by any antibiotic because the corona is a viral infection and it depend on a strong immunity to be able to recover from its effects. The Covid-19 can be detected by your family doctor of the health care practitioner in your neighborhood, so visit the doctor soon to get the tests done that can confirm whether it’s corona or another respiratory illness, the doctor will further give proper treatment if it found or give precautionary measures to keep you safe. Currently, there is no cure for the covid-19 and so preventative measures are the best weapons and so make sure you stay away from large crowds and avoid crowded areas, also maintain proper hygiene by making sure that you wash your hands every time you leave the wash rooms and any time before you eat, wash with water and soap for at least 20 seconds, use alcohol based sanitizers of 60 concentration if water is not available and avoid tough your eyes, nose and mouth. Further, to prevent transmission, always cough into a tissue, or into the elbow and not into your hands. The Corana virus originated from China in November 2019 and has since been declared a pandemic by the world health organization, there is no cure for this illness only to maintain good health habits that build a strong immune such that when or if it occurs one can recover from it. However, it has created fear worldwide which is leading to corona virus anxiety cases, although anxiety in small doses is not bad in the case it gets to a point where it prevents normal daily functioning because of mental and emotional distress the it is best to seek counselling, currently there is corona virus anxiety counselling online offered by many counselling centers, visit such sited for further assistance.